Oh, how I love going on retreats with my quilting bee (JSB or Just Sew Bee). We are now a multi-state bee, with two living in Arizona and one living in Florida. We have descended for the weekend at the usual West River Methodist Retreat Center in Southern Anne Arundel County.
My sewing sisters run their machines like a New York sweatshop in the 1940s. Not really, but many would think that if you saw us. But… we break to laugh (a lot!), eat snacks, and comment on everyone else’s work. There are no bosses here! We bring/buy food and eat in the dining hall on campus too. The cozy cabin (set up for quilters) is our home away from home.
We all take more than we will finish in a weekend, and that’s a large part of the fun. So far, I have “finished” three quilt tops. They still need finishing work, but most of the sewing is done! Oh, and glancing over what additional things I brought to work on, I see several projects screaming for my attention (can you hear, em'?_. I’ll get to them later.
Please excuse me as I head to the table next to me where our dinner is spread out (leftovers...already...we all brought a bunch of food to share).
