It's like the New Year is starting once again today; this time, back on the soccer pitch in refereeing (AR - Assistant Referee) a U17 girl's game this afternoon. I happily placed my new shiny 2023 USSF badge on my jersey, with Chico and Justin doing the same. I entered my 13th year of soccer refereeing! It was a good day in shaking out the cobwebs by running/sprinting - good things after the last couple of months of holiday celebrations.
It was cold, more so for the parents on the sidelines with their teeth chattering while cheering for their players. You know, there are indoor facilities that cater to a game like soccer called Futsal. But I can't take all the whistles associated with indoor games. I like to be in the fresh air. And as long as I am dressed appropriately by layering just the right way, I can withstand big temperature ranges in the cold. Under my blue jersey, I have a cotton turtleneck, a cashmere turtleneck, and a down jacket, and thick black gloves.
Of course, a hot shower is first and foremost on my mind when the game ends. A cup of steaming hot tea is not too shabby, either!
The ref team: L-R Chico me, and Justin!
