Day 18 - Vancouver, British Columbia (Linda's 10th Day)
Adjusted Adventure in an Accord!
Oh, we have adjusted all right. We needed to make a big pivot once again. After a lovely day exploring downtown Vancouver and taking a water taxi to the various places around town, we learned that the ferries going to Vancouver Island (Victoria) do not have any more availability for ) the entire weekend.
Luckily, Linda could cancel the reservations she made a day ago at a campground north of Victoria and got reimbursed in full. The little things in travel like this give us faith in humanity and the wanderlust we love so much despite snafus and situations beyond our control. Ahem.
The pivot also includes going directly back to the states tomorrow, starting with a quick tour of Seattle (Linda's never been) and then on to (we hope) Mt. Ranier. As I write this post, we are adjusting our trip one day at a time, and Linda is working diligently to secure some camping sites.
Earlier today, we enjoyed a lovely breakfast at the B&B Linda booked two days ago. Between this B&B in a desirable Vancouver area, camping, and staying at hostels, we are still meeting our travel budget beautifully. For us, there is no need to spend between $500-$1000/night in a hotel when we are only there to sleep. We love the experiences of the different camping areas, the hostels, and the feast for the eyes scenery around every corner.
Today's adventures included taking the False Creek Ferry to destinations such as Grandville Island and downtown Vancouver to do some shopping (groceries and Made in Canada shops. A delicious lunch at the Tap and Barrell Bridges propelled us to scurry around the city, taking in the sights and sounds to a tune of almost 20,000 steps! One lady we met on the streets told us to take a bus, though we were only 1.4 miles away from our ferry stop! Fat chance we would get on a bus when we can use good old fashion shoe leather.
As our travel days stack up, the one thing I love about it is meeting and talking with people worldwide. Though most conversations are brief, everyone has a story to tell. And then the realization that you will never see that person, couple, or family again. But the conversations can be so powerful and impactful that it is kind of sad to "let them go" after 10 minutes on a ferry ride or having a moment of an uncanny connection while waiting in line for something.
I felt this way after meeting a young couple, Kari and Jordy, at breakfast in the B&B we all were staying in last night. They were adorable, well-traveled, and educated. We had an excellent conversation for half an hour, then we both went in separate directions.
That's travel!