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January Sunset(s) & Reflections

Over the last eleven years of blogging, I've mentioned robust and awe-inspiring January sunsets on several occasions. Last year (can you believe we are already four days into the new year?!), the month of January did not have the stellar sunsets as in previous years. Do you know why? I keep track of them. Ha Ha! The long blue skies stayed mostly blue, with faint hints of yellow or orange (not the deep hues of oranges, yellows, and reds I got used to) most of the month—in Mid-Atlantic Maryland. I can only hope for great sunsets in other parts of the country or world.

Part two of this post is reflecting on 2022 for a spell. Many lessons and blessings were learned and celebrated respectively. I'm thrilled I posted 257 blog posts, amounting to writing about five days a week in this space. I also changed servers and the look from quiltsfromtheheart.blogspot to Manufacturing Sunshine under my website. A huge shout of Thanks to Bo Hudson for all his guidance and help in creating what I have now, a portfolio website.

Like most families, we had our ups and downs, starting with Ryan's tongue surgery last February. We hunkered down a bit to help him through his recovery. Olivia and Bo brought a precocious puppy into the family fold and named her Disco! She is a gem of a dog with lots of labrador energy. We vacationed on Kelleys Island, Ohio, in June while also celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary. I leaned on the notion of pivoting plans when the Alaskan or bust trip (Adventures in an Accord) had to be rerouted since a beaver dam wiped out the Al-Can highway a day before my friend Linda Misencik and I were ready to start the trek North. Disappointed that our original plans were a bust, we went up through Canada (two provinces) and the Western US, where we visited Canadian and US National Parks that were not on our list - but fabulous nonetheless.

By fall, I had a full slate of refereeing high school soccer, plus a full queue of T-shirt quilts to complete by Christmas. Talk about great blessings! In October, "The Best Daughter" competed and completed a half Ironman event in North Carolina. We are so proud of her training and efforts in accomplishing her goal. In November, Olivia and Bo became engaged, and we are thrilled for them as they plan their life together as a soon-to-be-married couple. In between soccer and quilting, I continued my daily writing. I was even on several podcasts spreading hope and inspiration and lessons shared in what I wrote in The Focused Fight. I learned that my "biggest fan," Paul Godleski, talks up my book any chance he gets and sends copies all over the country. I am humbled and grateful for his kindness! Thanksgiving had family in from Ohio (Yeah!), and we traveled safely to Cleveland, Ohio, for Christmas (blizzard conditions less than 24 hours after our arrival).

But today, I thank you, my readers, for coming along on this journey with me. You are the wind beneath my wings! I hope that I can inspire someone to stop and watch that gorgeous sunset (or, for early risers, sunrise), and take some time to reflect on your life this past year, perhaps in a journal - either handwritten or computer - that doesn't have to be shared if you don't want to.



#nofilter on tonight's sunset below - crisp and colorful


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