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Maui Quilt Shop - Quilts NEEDED for Lahania Survivors!

Writer's picture: Terri TomoffTerri Tomoff

September 11, 2023 - Maui Quilt Shop

Aloha Spirit at its Finest! #MauiStrong

Wow, we had an unbelievable day on Magical Maui - we never had to go to West Maui (Lahaina/Kaanapali) on this trip. Still, we have loved all our experiences around South Maui and the Hana & Paia areas immensely.

I’ve been telling Jodie and Betsy that I wanted to get to the Maui Quilt shop in Wailuku all week. I had a few questions to ask the owner about their quilt inventory for the Lanaina survivors and whether or not they needed more. The three of us drove over a few days ago, but they were closed when we arrived.

Today was our day to get there - late morning (after a walk/run and an early morning swim - it’s pretty hot by 9 a.m., and the water is warm and inviting beyond belief, and a stop in the Hawaiian Humpback Whale Sanctuary on South Kihei Rd).

Unexpectedly, two women entered the shop a few minutes after us. They were dressed nicely and wore big smiles. Then, I overheard them telling the staff they were there to select their quilts. Let me add that the place was jammed with quilts sent from all over the USA and Canada for the Lanaina survivors of the terrible fires. Boxes lined the hallway, and the postman delivered more boxes while we were there. I know my quilt guild back home, the Southern Comforters of Bowie/Crofton, Maryland, would love to send in reinforcements in the coming months.

So far, they have received a little over 2,000 quilts. The need is for an additional 4,000 quilts to cover almost all survivors and their ohana (family). Although my small but mighty quilt guild does excellent work for many charitable organizations, frankly, acts of great love in each stitch in the quilts, we need more guilds to get involved as much as they can contribute from their members. Masculine quilts are desired and lightweight as possible due to the warm temperatures here almost year round.

Based on our serendipity meet-up with Melissa and Lori, who lost EVERYTHING they owned in the fires last month, we were super thankful for all the love and support they are receiving the world over, especially the quilts from a tiny shop in Maui. My travel mate, Jodie, who also lost everything in a fire at her home on Kelleys Island, Ohio, on April 1, 2021, knew just the right things to say to these women, as well as giving them as many bear hugs the entire time they were in the shop. For almost an hour, these two brave and thankful women got so many big bear hugs and many blessings from the staff and me they couldn’t believe it.

The lovely quilts received in the shop from so many caring people for distribution are the first few steps to begin piecing their lives back together.

Jodie and I carried as much love from Ohio and Maryland as our backs could take - our human contact was deeply appreciated by Melissa and Lori and all the quilt shop ladies. Their heartbreak is understandable, and their dignity and courage to rebuild their lives are inspiring.

If you are a quilter, know a quilter, or want to contribute something to this great cause (pillowcases), please mail your item(s) to:

All videos below are less than one minute from the quilt shop. - Boxes of Quilts - Mailman delivery - Boxes of Quilts from all over USA/Canada - Two Lahaina Survivors with Jodie Smith




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