Poland is the land of my heritage.
1977: my first trip to Poland as a 15-year-old adolescent girl, greenhorn but ready for adventure. My chaperone was my Aunt Mary. I was here for the summer and ran and won two races, gold medals to boot, in the Polish Olympic Games in Krakow, Poland.
1995: my second trip to Poland as a 34-year-old young mother of a three-year-old and an almost one-year-old. Same adventurous spirit as I was called to duty to Sherpa for the same Aunt Mary, 82, and my Dad, 72, and his first trip.
2023: my third trip on my first day here in my heritage homeland. I am solo for this trip. I will be traveling with extended family throughout Poland starting tomorrow, and have already gone around meeting everyone living in the small town of Ostrow Maziewecka (about 60m miles east of Warsaw).
I was greeted at the airport with flowers and shouts of joy from my cousins - not sure how many times removed!
The WiFi could be iffy for me for the next 10 days. I’ll post when I can.
Na Zdrowie! (Cheers),
1) Me, Yvonne, Renata (sisters)
2) Me, Anna (sisters with the above) and Renata's daughter (Kasia)
3) My grandfather on the right with his brother (note; I never met any grandparent - all passed before I was born)
4) Brokowska 9 - The House built in 1929 - a story lies within
5) Ostrow Maziewiecka
6) Means Good Day!