In the last year, I've tackled big and small challenges - especially regarding my quilting projects and T-shirt Quilts. They are big puzzles that I love to solve and make my clients happy. I work best under deadlines, and the last one I created for 2024 was in my queue for way too long. I thought about how I would complete the puzzle for months with the T-shirts designed for this one-of-a-kind treasure, a US Army dress jacket, and flak/fatigue jackets.
As soon as I receive permission from the recipient to share this quilt, I will. Plus, another serendipity (woo-woo) story accompanies this quilted wall-hanging to honor a Vietnam War Veteran and Front Lines photographer, Nathanial. The"coincidences" with this one give me chills (and some tears -all good!).
My other colossal nut in finishing out the year was taking (tackling) the USSF 2025 Referee Exam. It takes several hours to complete from start to finish, which I haven't had lately. I'm happy to report I got 100% on all parts (there were several, like 12!).
With less than two weeks in 2024, I'd like to write a Dear Santa letter like my friend Cindy Villanueva did on her Substack post recently. I was all set to wrap up by writing a few (at least one) blog post about this stellar year. I’d love to encourage writers and nonwriters to do the same, perhaps, and “celebrate” the good in our lives. We all have something we are going through, but it’s in the good and joyous moments that help us muddle through the messier times.
It's great that most of us have phone cameras and can take lots of photos and videos (I use video sparingly since it is such a storage hog). It jogs the memories, right?
I have taken thousands of photos this year, which will help me fondly look back at this year. Do you look back like this, too?
The photo below was my first photo on January 1, 2024. I think it's appropriate at the end of the year, too.
